META FLY is a robust program for converting Windows Metafiles into industry-standard vector and image formats. Use it to transform graphics, forms and other content from Microsoft Windows applications into UNIX, Web, XML, CAD, imaging and PostScript print environments without losing quality or usability.
META FLY is an easy to use desktop tool. Multiple files and directories can be converted as easily as a single file. FLY Batch and FLY SDK are also available to perform volume batch conversions as part of an automated process or to integrate WMF support into an application.
META FLY is a professional suite combining the most popular vector and bitmap modules in one easy to use product. Try it today if you need to generate:
SVG for XML and the Web
CGM for tech pubs and engineering
MIF for FrameMaker
EPS/PS for print publishing
PDF for archive and exchange
HPGL for CAD plotting and viewing
WMF for MS Office reuse
EMF for Windows printing
TIFF for imaging, archiving, faxing, printing
GIF, PNG and JPEG for the Web or office BMP for Office applications
ASCII .txt for indexing and processing
Features in META FLY
Convert one file or multiple files using the built in batch mode
Convert all pages or specify a page rage
Intelligent object recognition
Rotate to any degree
Concatenates characters to form editable words and lines of text
Option to ignore text, images or paths during conversion
Specify minimum line width
Vector graphics, raster images and font text strings supported in vector output formats
Options to choose resolution, color depth and compression for raster output formats
Separates layers in CAD drawing based on colors
Dashed/dotted lines as segments
Easy Windows "Wizard" interface selects files, set options and converts in 3 easy steps
Outputs industry standard vector output formats which are scaleable and editable at the text and object level including PDF, EPS, SVG,